Abide with us.
Our partnership with YOU.
YOUR partnership with others.

…a complementary relationship sustained by a willingness to learn and grow together…

About Meno Missions, LLC.

Together we can:

  • Help churches understand/imagine what fruitful, mutually beneficial mission relationships can and should look like by focusing on humility, companionship, and presence

  • Walk alongside the local church, including a 10-week long process of defining how they want missional relationships to be a part of their church’s DNA

  • Take the church on a “Meno Mission Pilgrimage” to experience first hand what it’s like to personally abide with a missionary or missionary family abroad. 

  • Help match the local church with vetted missionaries or mission families who have the same understanding of what abiding companionship looks like.

What We Offer

01 — Introductory Assessment & Evaluation

  • Are you mission-ready?

02 — 10-Week Certification

  • Week 1 - Introduction (In-Person)

  • Weeks 2-9 - Weekly meeting (Virtual lessons, discussions, etc)

  • Week 10 - Conclusion (In-Person)

03 — Meno Mission Experience

  • Arranging “team” visits to missionaries

  • Get to know you experiences

  • Plan the logistics, make the schedule, etc.

  • Plan the family reunion

  • Learn about the community, the missionaries


  • Re-define Short Term Mission Trips

  • Walking the neighborhood and meeting with local ministries

  • How to recreate the “international experience” and relate it to the “local experience”

04 — Meno Missions Community

  • Programming for their year’s cohort. 

  • Meno Mission “alumni” trips. 

  • Updated Resources. 

  • Annual Partners Retreat 

  • Sponsor churches gather annually 

  • Continuing education 

  • Sharing stories (Sharing best practices, etc.)

  • Bring Missionaries who are part of the Meno Missions Family

  • Sponsor next cohort of churches

See if you’re ready for Meno Missions: